Frequently Asked Questions
Planning a marriage?
Call the church office to schedule your wedding and make an initial appointment with the pastor. You may complete and submit the wedding information form by clicking here. It is not unusual for a wedding to be scheduled one year in advance. Once your wedding is on the church calendar and you have had the initial meeting with the pastor, you can begin making all of the necessary arrangements.
Birth in the family?
Call the church office as soon as possible because not all of the hospitals notify us when someone has given birth.
Want to schedule a baptism?
The sacrament of Holy Baptism is a celebration that takes place within the worship service. Please call the church office to schedule a baptism and submit the baptism information form by clicking here. In the event of an emergency, special arrangements can be made to have the pastor baptize a child at the hospital.
Have a prayer request?
Call the church office or e-mail your prayer requests to the church office.
Moving or have a change in your household?
Please notify the church office immediately. It is important for us that our church membership records are kept accurate. Having your new address will also help avoid unnecessary fees with the postal service. You may also submit the member information update form by going to the forms page. Click here to go to the forms page.
Want to volunteer at Christ’s?
Go to the Volunteer section by clicking here. Your interest will be forwarded to the appropriate individual or ministry coordinator.
In need of pastoral care | hospital visit | home communion?
Contact the church office. A member of the pastoral staff will be notified of your request. Please note that not all hospitals have a means of notifying the church when a patient is admitted. Make sure the church office knows the room number and hospital. Sometimes room numbers or changes in room numbers may not be available at the hospital because of hospital privacy regulations. In the event of an emergency, contact the pastoral emergency number at201-739-7702.
Like to join our faith communion and partner with us in mission?
To receive more information or schedule a visit with the pastor, please contact the pastor through the church office or email the church office. Please complete the Congregation Directory Form to be placed on the mailing list. Click here to go to the forms page.
Interested in enrolling a child in our Preschool?
We encourage you to contact the Preschool office at or 215-886-4612 ext. 6 to schedule a personal tour and learn more about our program. You may also wish to explore our weekday program at our website by clicking here.
Want to enroll a child in the Sunday Church School?
Faith formation is an important part of our mission here at CLC. To enroll your children in the Sunday Church School program or to learn about other faith formation and service opportunities for youth and adults, please contact the director of spiritual formation by clicking here.
Want to become involved in Service Opportunities?
Service activities at CLC connect individuals, the congregation and community together with each other and God in meaningful ways that make a difference in daily life. At CLC there are a variety of ways to serve and get involved on a monthly or seasonal basis. For more information to learn about ways to serve through the faith community at Christ’s – Oreland, please contact the director of spiritual formation by clicking here.