Pastor Heidi Rodrick-Schnaath

Pastor Heidi Rodrick-Schnaath

Pastoral Care Emergency:  267.463.3586

During the period of Pastoral Transition, Pastor Rodrick-Schnaath’s primary responsibilities as the Interim Pastor are to:

  • Lead worship, preside at the sacraments and preach,
  • Provide special services such as marriages and funerals,
  • Teach and/or provide leadership for the Faith Formation of the congregation,
  • Do pastoral calling in the congregation.
  • Supervise paid staff.
  • Be a consultant and resource to the Council, committees, organizations and parish programs,
  • Assist leadership in assessment of congregational history, needs and mission, and
  • Assist with the development of a Congregational Profile before the Call Process begins.

Pastor Heidi has previously served congregations in Missouri, Illinois, and Pennsylvania. She also worked for thirteen years on the campus of the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia (now United Lutheran Seminary). Most recently as the Director of Student Services. In May of 2022 she received her Doctor of Ministry degree.

Pastor Heidi is married to Matt Schnaath. He is one of those friendly guys in the orange aprons at the Home Depot in Montgomeryville. Their daughter Katie works from their home office as an Administrative Assistant to the Christian Community Leadership Team of the ELCA. Together the family serves the whims of their beagle Jenna and cat Lillian Gish.